How Fostering Dogs Help Them Get Adopted


Exactly what is pet fostering?  When you foster a dog, you agree to provide a home for a dog and care for her for a specified period of time or until she is adopted.

What are some reasons dogs need foster homes?

  • Rescue teams do not have a physical shelter, that’s why they need foster homes to care for a dog until a permanent home is found for him.
  • A puppy could be too young to be adopted.  He may need to be nursed in a safe place until he’s ready for adoption.
  • A dog may need to learn to socialize with people or other pets before they become adoptable
  • A shelter runs out of room for adoptable dogs

apium adopted

Here’s an excerpt from the article:

Why should I foster a dog?
Fostering a dog is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have (other than adopting, of course). By taking an animal in need temporarily into your home you’re:

  • freeing up a spot so the shelter or rescue can take in another dog.
  • giving your foster dog the time he needs to be ready for adoption.
  • helping the shelter or rescue learn more about the dog so he can end up in the best home possible.
  • socializing the dog to a home environment and possibly getting him used to being around other pets and different types of people.

You can read the entire article here.


Article source:  Petfinder

Image source:  Apium on


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