[VIDEO] Acts Of Kindness Doggie Style Commercial

video dog helping a man

Why do I name this video “Acts of kindness doggie style”?  It is actually a commercial used in Thailand for Kiatnakin Bank.  When I watched it, I could not stop smiling.  I just HAD to show this. You don’t need to understand the language to appreciate the story.   Even though everything is staged, the story is heart-warming.  So what if it’s not “real”?  Neither are Disney movies, but we love them anyway.

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Gentle workouts to strengthen bones with Miranda Esmonde-White

The commercial began with a young man buying his lunch from a street vendor.  Then something caught his attention–a lovely young woman in the distance.   The young man’s eyes reveal his “I’m in love” feeling.   Then someone broke the trance.  A dog is tapping his leg to get his attention.  He wanted the meatballs that the young man bought for lunch.  Being kind-hearted, the man gave his lunch to the hungry dog.

Dog as matchmaker

Some people would just say thank you.  But not this dog.  He SHOWS his thank you.  Again and again.  And again.   First, the young man was looking for a parking spot in a very crowded lot.   The grateful dog helps him by putting a traffic cone in an empty spot and scaring away another driver who wanted the spot.  After the young man parked his car, the dog sat on top of it to keep the birds from using it as their toilet.  He even took a hit for the young man.   What a friend!

When the young man returned to his car, he was puzzled why the car next to him had bird poop all over it but his own car was completely clean.  The dog did a few other kind acts.  And the one that made the young man realize who has been his guardian angel all day was the very last one.

He got off work and headed to his car.  The dog pulled his bag and ran off with it.   As the young man chased after the dog, he stopped to find the dog standing near the very young woman whom he was admiring that day when he was buying lunch at the street vendor.

Enjoy this sweet romantic video!


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