The devoted man in this video helps his dog feels better from Arthritis. It’s a most moving story. He rescued Shep when he was 8 weeks old. Shep is 19 years old in this photograph, and has such pain from his arthritis that he cannot sleep at night. Knowing that water would soothe that pain and helps his dog to fall asleep, John Unger would take Shep to Lake Superior every night and soothe his dog to asleep.
This sounds like a heroic act, but John shares that if it weren’t for Shep, he himself wouldn’t be here. Shep just helps him snap out of whatever he was going through at the time. He wants to do everything he can to help Shep feel better.
How one man cared for his arthritic dog
A friend took this photo (not a staged photo) and posted it on Facebook. Over 207,000 people liked the photo and shared it with their friends. Generous donations from dog lovers help get Shep the laser treatment he needed so he can fall asleep without John needing to take him into Lake Superior every night. Isn’t this a beautiful story?
There’s been a number of reports about the effectiveness of turmeric in helping dogs relieve pain from arthritis. A dog trainer friend has a 14 year old dog who has been limited in her walk due to arthritis. She started including turmeric in his diet, and says that he starts acting like a puppy now.
Tumeric For Health shares research projects that were done on the effects of turmeric on dogs with arthritis or joint inflammation. It also includes appropriate dosage, depending on the size of your dog. Also, the dosage depends on whether the tumeric is in powdeer form, or oil, or tincture. You can read the entire article here. If you have found something that alleviate the pain of your dog’s arthritis, please share in the comment at the bottom of this page.
Article source: Tumeric For Health