[VIDEO] Faith The Two-Legged Dog On Oprah Show


The two-legged dog in this video is Faith, appearing on the Oprah Show.  Faith has a most inspiring story.  You’ll hear the entire story in this short interview with Oprah.  It’s a story of a family believing in this dog and insisting that she has a wonderful life.  Faith was born with two legs.  Using peanut butter held at a level where Faith has to stand up to eat it, the family helps Faith to learn to use her hind legs.  You’ll see in the video how excited the family is when Faith starts walking, even running, all by herself.   It’s like watching their human baby take her first step.   This family has done a great job.  Just look at Faith’s confidence when she walks out on stage.  There is no hint of “feeling different”.  She walks right up to the audience and look at them.  Such confidence!

Enjoy watching this inspiring dog and how she lives a life like any other dog.


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