[VIDEO] Maltese Dachshund Puppy Talking To Mom

video Maltese Dachshund puppy waking up
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What sweeter wake up ritual can there be?   For both dog and human?  The Maltese Dachshund puppy in this video is easing into his day.  His name is Happy.  Look at those gentle stretches, warming up the body for the day.  We can take a lesson from this little one, who instinctively knows that easing into the day is a very good way to start the morning.  Staying in bed for a while, playing with his parent, exercising his vocal chords.

Happy is part Maltese and part Dachshund.  Another name for this mix is Mauxie or Moxie.  They are good for someone who enjoys a dog with a personality and spirit.  They do need early socialization, according to Dog Breed Plus, and expose them to different people, sights, smell, situations.

What are Mauxies like?

Mauxies are actually good with children, just make sure the children know how to be respectful of her, not tugging her or not making sudden moves.  Otherwise, she can snap at them.  If she grew up with the children, she’d be better about this.

Mauxie is an affectionate dog.  They like to snuggle and be around people all the time.  They can be lively and playful, and sometimes entertaining.  Because they are bold and courageous, so keep an eye out when she is around larger dogs.  She can be over her head with her boldness.

She is a pretty active dog.  Make sure she walks a couple of times a day for 20 minutes each plus playtime.  And if she is misbehaving, then add more walking time to help release her hyper energy.  Surround her with toys that keep her mentally stimulated.  She is okay for apartment living, but make sure she gets her exercise. You can read more about Mauxie here.

Article source:  Dog Breed Plus


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