[VIDEO] Pomeranian Chubbi First Week Home


The Pomeranian in this video is named Chubbi.  This is her first week home with her new family.  This is obviously one well-loved puppy.  Her parents can’t get enough of her, from the way they like to hold her, scratch her, play with her.  She’s the family baby.

I was curious about Chubbi, and read that she likes celery and carrots.  When she watches Harry Potter, she barks.  Very in-ter-es-ting.   Is it because she LIKES Harry?  Or not???  Chubbi is comfortable around people, and can be a bit shy around dogs.  She had an experience in her past when she felt scared of a big dog.  I hope Chubbi feels better and enjoys the company of other dogs.

Enjoy watching the daily life of Chubbi the Pomeranian.


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