The 14-days-old puppy in this video finds comfort in his teddy bear. He is still finding his way around, perhaps a bit cold because he is trembling a little. He is at times whimpering. It may be that he is looking for the company of his siblings. For whatever reason that they are not around, this puppy has a teddy bear near him. When he is in touch with the teddy, he seems to calm some.
I notice in other newborn videos (and this puppy is just 14 days old) puppies tend to look for their siblings to snuggle. To feel physically warm, and to feel close to another. What a good idea to have a physical body in the form of a teddy to offer some kind of comfort. It’s no replacement for a breathing body. But something soft and cuddly may convey some sense of that.
Listen to this little pup as he finds some comfort in his teddy bear.