This is a video of Abba the Shih Tzu relaxing with baby Adelyn. Look how relaxed the two are around each other. Very calming. They enjoy each other’s company. Imagine having a pal like this to come home to when Adelyn starts going to school.
Rebecca Desfosse writes in Petcentric that there are numerous benefits for children who grow up with a dog. These are both physical and physical benefits in their development. Sometimes children may not find an understanding friend when they feel upset. But there’s always one friend who doesn’t need them to communicate in words, who sympathizes with them whatever they are feeling. A dog is a constant friend, in this case, a nonverbal therapist. Cuddling with a dog relieves stress and help us relax. A child with a dog has access to this whenever they want.
How children benefit from growing up with dogs

Another benefit for children growing up with a dog is physical. Studies have shown that children with a dog gets 11 minutes a day more than children who do not have a dog. In 7 days, that’s over an hour’s exercise. Some dogs just need to walk, but there are some who needs to run and play frequently. Even more exercise time for the child. And it’s not like they can skip a day. Dogs need to walk everyday.
Another benefit is for children’s immune system. Studies have shown that babies who have close physical contact with a pet need fewer doctor’s visits. Something about pet dander and the microbes that pets carry into the home from their time outdoor seem to improve babies’ developing immune system. Studies have also shown that children who grow up with dogs seem to have less risk of allergies. Still another way that children benefit from growing up with a dog is their psychological well-being. Being around dogs raise our level of dopamine and serotonin—those natural chemical our bodies produce that make us feel happy. You can read more about these benefits here.
Article source: Rebecca Desfosse in Petcentric