[VIDEO] Australian Shepherd Puppies Growing Up

video australian shepherd puppies growing up

The Australian Shepherd puppies in this video are filmed from week 1 to week 8 in a time lapse. This well-made video capture each week of growth, from napping together, to nursing, to playing with their paws.  They figure out how to use the cloth tunnels.  They even start swimming.  The end of the video shows the families who brought them home.

It looks like these puppies go through a healthy socialization process.   Pure Stock Aussies shares their socialization program for their puppies.  They start very young, but the most critical time is from 4 to 6 weeks old.  Socialization refers to introducing a puppy to different people, other dogs, cats, and animals.  Even though the ideas shared in this article are by professional breeders, we can apply the practice if our own dog has their puppies.

How to socialize Australian Shepherd puppies

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GREENIES Pill Pockets Treats–Mask Smell And Taste Of Medicine

Here are some of the ways that Pure Stock Aussies socialize their puppies.  They place the whelping area (the contained area where puppies spend their early life) close to high traffic area in the house.  Introduce the puppy to people of all ages.  And many different people.  The more variety they are exposed to, the more comfortable they become when they encounter different situations and people in the future.

Introduce them to dogs of different size.  Invite friends and families over and let them interact with the puppy.  Visit neighbors who have dogs.  Visit neighbors who do not have dogs.  Visit classrooms at school (maybe older children to start with).  Visit the park.  Visit the vet when it’s not related to a check-up.  This way, the puppy becomes familiar with the smell, but there is no association of anything scary.  This will help them in future visits.

You can read more about socializing Australian Shepherd puppies here.  Enjoy watching this very well-made video.   If you like Aussie videos, you might also enjoy this one.

Article source:   Pure Stock Aussies         Image source:  Madaise in Flickr


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