[VIDEO] Bulldog Enjoying A Puppuccino

video of a Bulldog enjoying a puppuccino

This video allows us to watch a happy Bulldog enjoying a Puppuccino in slow motion.  So what exactly is a Puppuccino?  It’s just whip cream in a small espresso cup.  No coffee whatsoever!  Some customers simply ask for extra whip cream on the side, and share that with their puppy.   Tomikka Anderson writes in SF Gate that Puppuccino has been around for a long time.  It was made popular in Washington State.  Of course!  The home of Starbucks!

A wonderful volunteer from the Kitsap Human Society started taking a dog each week to Starbucks and treat the pup to Puppuccino.  She would take photos of the dogs enjoying, no, savoring, their Puppuccino, and have the photos posted to their Instagram.  One reason for taking these dogs to Starbucks is to get them noticed, and hopefully get them adopted.   What a wonderful idea!   Publicity at its best!  And those Starbucks stores help by posting flyers in their store for “Shelter Dogs of the week”.

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There are creative ways of giving exposure to shelter dogs looking for home.  Best Friends.org offers some excellent ideas.  When taking out shelter dogs out in public, make sure they look their best (as if they are going to an interview).  Bathe them, brush them.  They will feel better about themselves, and that attitude will come across.

Make sure they are wearing something that says “adopt me” in bold letters.  Carry either business card or flyer of that particular dog.  Take a good photo of the dog, include gender, age, shelter ID number, name of the shelter, website, email address, telephone number.  You can  ask to post these flyers in supermarkets, laundromats, any businesses with a community bulletin board, or any business that are willing to let you put the flyers in the window.  You can read more of these great ideas here.

Enjoy watching Cocoa enjoying a Puppuccino!

Article source:   Tomikka Anderson on SF Gate

Article source:  Best Friends


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