[VIDEO] Gatsby The Corgi Sleeps In Weird Positions


The Corgi in this video is Gatsby, and he sleeps in weird positions and places.  Gatsby’s Dad wrote that he filmed these clips over a period of three months.  So by the end of the video, you are watching Gatsby when he was four and a half months old.  Gatsby is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi.  A tri-colored one.

The American Kennel Club describes their traits as “smart and alert, affectionate but not pushy, bold but kind.”   If these traits were to describe a human, they would sound very attractive.  So is a Corgi.  But then I am biased, as you can see on my FB profile photo.:-)   In this video, notice how Gatsby can sleep anywhere–on top of an exercise ball!  And he seems to have a signature pose when he sleeps.  Doesn’t he remind you of a certain dance move of John Travolta?

Enjoy watching Gatsby in all his wonderful poses.


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