[VIDEO] Husky Puppy Sounds Like A Human Baby

video Husky puppy sounds human

In this video, Husky puppy Ramsey sounds like a human baby.  His endearing voice is delighting his mom to no end, who can’t stop laughing.  I wish the video were longer.  I hope he will always talk this way.  I hope he never finds out he is actually a Husky.

Wouldn’t it be nice to understand what dogs are saying?  Whole Dog Journal offers some insights into this topic.  You might experiment with some of these interpretations, and see what you come up with.

How to interpret a dog’s bark

For example, when a dog is feeling lonely, or feeling some separation anxiety, their bark tends to be high-pitched and repetitive.  The more upset they are, the higher the pitch.  If they bark because they are bored, it is a repetitive monotone.  (Seems logical.)  If they want to alert us to something, it’s a staccato, sharp sound.  If it’s an alarm bark, it’s like an intensified alert bark.

How to interpret a dog’s different growls

If they are demanding something from you specifically, the bark is persistent and sharp, and it will be directed at you, if they think you are the one who should be responding.  When they feel suspicious, the bark is low and slow.  When they feel fearful, the bark is low but faster.

Does the dog’s body language reflect the bark?

Dog fleece jacket with pocket
Dog fleece jacket with pocket

Play barking sounds playful.  Their body language will match the sound.  If they are playing when they make that sound, it’s probably a play bark.  Sometimes dogs grumble when they are feeling happy.  They growl in playtime.  When they play tug, some dogs would growl.  Again, watch their body language to confirm this.

What to do if you are not sure if it is a play growl or a stressed growl

If they are playing when they growl, it’s a play growl.  If you are not sure if it’s a play growl, you can just let him take a break from playing and give him a moment to calm down.  Rottweilers are famous for grumbling when you pet them or when they are playing.  If there is no sign of stress, this is a “I feel good” sound.  Perhaps equivalent to the purring of a cat?  You can read more about the interpretations of dogs’ vocalization here.  If you enjoy this Husky video, you might also enjoy this one.

Article source:  Whole Dog Journal


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