This Corgi puppy is loving a belly rub. Oh yeah! Keep that coming! The Corgi puppy in this video is so relaxed with a belly rub. He is so relaxed that he is chewing his paw while letting mom rub his belly. Doesn’t his mood reflect the attitude of “All is well with the world?” Most dogs enjoy a belly rub. Some of them actually demand it. Dogs are very clear when they want something from us. They roll over on their back for a nice belly rub from people they trust the most. While it is a submissive behavior, in this case, it’s simply a sign of their trust in us, according to Puppy Leaks.
When NOT to rub a dog’s belly
There is actually science to this pleasure for dogs. They have a specific brain neuron that responds to stimulation of their hair follicles. So stroking their hair through a belly rub is very satisfying to them. This being said, not all dogs want belly rubs. Even if we would love to do this for a cute dog, it is wise not to force one if they aren’t open to it. That could cause anxiety in them, and forcing them to do something they are not comfortable with could lose some of their trust in your in the process. Let them take the lead in this vulnerable behavior. If you’re not sure about their comfort level, reading their body language could give you a hint. If they like what you’re doing, they look loose and floppy. If they tug their tail between their legs and hunch their back, stop what you are doing and move away. If your dog relaxes once your move away, that’s a sign that he’s not comfortable with the belly rub. But not to worry, there are so many ways to bond with our friends. You can read more about this topic here.
If you like this video, here is another one of Corgi puppies entertaining themselves.
Article source: Puppy Leaks