In this video, we witness what doggie school does for Lottie the Goldendoodle. I appreciate having dogs run free and be themselves. And I’ve seen what service dogs “give up” in order to make someone’s life more independent. And I don’t mind dogs jumping up to greet me. However, after watching this video of what Lottie learned in doggie school, I can understand the benefits of going to training schools.
Although this blog was originally published on November 25, 2016, the content remains as valid today.
I am glad the video compares what Lottie did before and after doggie school. I can understand the concern of an enthusiastic puppy jumping up on a small child and knocking them over. I see how a trained dog can go anywhere with us, and we don’t have to worry about how they interact with strangers.
There’s a woman who goes to the same beach I do. Her dog barks whenever she wants her way, and the woman always gives in. When she went on vacation, her dog stayed in a boarding / training school, and learned to follow some commands. The owner recommends that this woman brings her dog back for additional training, as well as to “transfer” the command skills to her, so that her dog would listen to her.
Unfortunately, the woman did not follow the recommendations. Everytime her dog barks incessantly to get her way at the beach, it disturbs others who just want some peace and quiet.
I wish she had taken her dog back to the training school.
If you like this video, here is one of a Goldendoodle puppy’s first year.