What a heartwarming video! In a few short minutes, this video told a lovely story of how a kind man found a lost dog and brought him home. He lives alone, and welcomes the company. The man bathe the dog, fed him, taught him tricks, introduced him to friends. Then one day, the man saw a poster for a lost dog–the dog he found! By now, the man has grown very fond of the dog. But he called the family, of course! The family came over, grateful to the man for taking such good care of him.
A heart-warming video of a dog connecting 2 families
The next scene was the family rejoicing in their home that Chobo was found. Then one family member discovered a decoration on Chobo’s collar–one that the kind man put on Chobo’s collar. The family called the kind man and invited him over to their home.
In the next scene, they were having Christmas dinner together, laughing, talking like old friends. The kind man had a good time. Next scene shows the mantel of the kind man, displaying family photos of his children. Of course Chobo’s photo was there. And the last photo shown was a photo with his new friends–the family of Chobo.
And this is the sweet story of how a lost dog connected a kind man with his family. Random kindness springs into so much more. This is a very credible story. How many have given a warm home to a lost dog without a collar or a chip? And who wouldn’t have gotten attached to a furry friend? Imagine the emotions of seeing a “lost dog poster” and knowing that the new friend needs to return to his own family. I hope every family that goes through this temporary “adoption” would become long-lasting friends with the family of the dog, just like this beautiful video shows us.